Monday, November 18, 2013

Edubloggers, What to Say and How to Say it!

So I have put this off as long as possible because for some reason I find edubloggers very daunting and commenting on one of their post frightens me. I even went back and looked at our assignment to see if there was a way around commenting on an edubloggers post but unfortunately there is not! I am not sure exactly why this part of the assignment has me so nervous, I have had two edubloggers' pages open in my browser for over a week now and only because I have to turn in a link to prove that I did comment on their blogs.

I actually haven't done it yet, but I will! I have also spent waaaay to much time finding the perfect blog post to make a comment on!! I don't know what to say, I feel like I do not have anything to add to the conversation. All of the posts that I like have a lot of comments on them already and through reading them all I do not feel like I have something to add. The other posts the are less intriguing have few posts which I also find intimidating. It is nerve racking to post something to the internet with my name on it. Also what is the blogger etiquette? If a post is older than a month can I still comment on it?

While I have spent too much time looking at edubloggers I came across this page and maybe you all did too for new teachers and I have found it useful! 

Ok I did it!!! I am not sure why this was so difficult for me. I think this comes at a time when I am feeling very insecure about my confidence in creating my own idea for the classroom and contributing to the conversation. I have been a student for so long I am very good at going to class and answering the questions my professors ask me but when it come to planning my own lessons and commenting on edubloggers I have zero confidence. Is this normal? I know that I am not supposed to be perfect or have all of the answers but I think I need to be a little more confident! This might be a good time for fake it till you make it!

I do have something to contribute and I will be a great teacher!! Thanks for sticking with me for this frustrated post! From here on out  I will be more confident and positive!

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, Sarah, I'd say that what feels like a lack of confidence is actually all about taking the work seriously and recognizing, in a sophisticated way, that what your mentor probably does easily and naturally has a lot of work and a lot of hard-won experience lying just beneath it.
    That said, it seems to be a healthy sign of confidence that you are able to share your reticence about posting in response to edubloggers...of course you are! I am, too! Even though I suspect that most of us run a variation of "what do I possibly have to say?" on ourselves, look at what happened when you responded to Fawn Nguyen. First off, you posed a really interesting question that made it clear that you had really read what she wrote. Then, happily enough, she writes YOU a response that builds upon what she'd written in her original post, and that makes it clear that (no matter how much it looks this way) that she doesn't have all the answers, and that seems to relish the opportunity to talk teaching with her colleagues. How cool was that? Oh, and now you have one more person in your personal learning network. A pretty nice return on taking a big risk, eh?
